Saturday, 27 August 2011

My latest painting

This is my latest painting. I recently promised myself that I would try and focus on
experimentation and moving my work forward in some way. I would not get tied up with making work for exhibition, art fairs or for other reasons. A real focus back onto the part that makes me passionate, the making, playing with materials and process. A recent course I did in London has left me with alot of food for thought. I'll blog that when I've sorted the photos out.

This painting is 122cm x 31cm
It has 6-8 layers of traditionally prepared gesso on WBP ply with support frame.
It also had high relief areas made from paper and glue size which are also treated with gesso.

This is probably the 8th layer. I work with the board horizontal, pigments, dyes and acrylic are added. I do not have a drawn out image and the painting evolves in each layer. Many paintings can have nearing a hundred layers until they work for me.

I do draw and it is a very important part of my work. This work is drawn or carved into gesso and then stained with wood dye. It sort of feeds into the paintings. I have drawn into the layers in the past and I suppose the marks I make with paint can have a  vary drawn feel to them. This is the first painting I have done in a long time that is purely about me playing. It doesn't have to be finished!  I'm going to enjoy the journey without the barriers.

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